Reparative Speed Dating

The purpose of reparative speed-dating
The Flirt Club has arranged the concept of “reparative speed dating” in order to talk and reflect on your “visit” to the Bergamo Renovation Project on Casa Unifamiliare, unit #2, by Brady Burroughs' through the following texts:
- Gavin Butt "Scholarly Flirtations: The Serious Scholar"
- Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, "Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading, or, You're So Paranoid, You Probably Think This Essay Is About You"
 - Susan Sontag, "Notes On 'Camp'"

You find all the text here.
(For the Bergamo Renovation Project on Casa Unifamilarie, unit #by Brady Burroughs please contact the Flirt Club.)

The purpose of the speed-dating session is for participant to take on the character of one of the authors in order to consider the “hereness and the whoness of the texts. And trough the characters and their texts analyse the paper about the Bergamo renovation project, by Burroughs.

Within this concept we wish to provide a one-on-one session trough which the characters points of view on flirtation as a method in critical research, the reparative act of  “soft knowledge” as well as the compassionate aesthetics of Camp – can be exchanged and interact in a relaxed, open – yet, focused setting.

All speed-date participants are requested to take on one of the character of Gavin, Ewe or Susan and post formulate questions to bring to the speed-dating session. See some examples below:

The character of Gavin Butt:

The character of Ewe Kosofsky Sedwick:

The character of Susan Sontag: